Lions Roaring, Far From Home

“Lions Roaring, Far From Home,” an anthology that features the voices of Ethiopian adoptees from the diaspora, includes the essays of 32 writers who grew up in the United States, Canada, France, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Australia, ranging in age from eight to over 50.

The purpose of this anthology is to share the unique lived experiences of Ethiopian adoptees. This is the first anthology ever by Ethiopian adoptees.

The co-editors are Aselefech Evans, adopted to the U.S. when she was six years old, Kassaye Berhanu-MacDonald, adopted to Canada when she was one year old, and Maureen McCauley, an adoptive parent of four, including twin daughters from Ethiopia.

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An Academic Analysis of Ethiopian Illegal Adoptions: A Sobering Roadmap

Light of Day Stories “Children for Families: An Ethnography of Illegal Intercountry Adoption From Ethiopia,” an article by Daniel Hailu, Ph.D., in Adoption Quarterly, provides a stunningly clear road map of how illegal adoptions have occurred in Ethiopia. His research corroborates many anecdotal experiences, discusses the impact of Ethiopian sociocultural views, and offers suggestions for … Continue reading An Academic Analysis of Ethiopian Illegal Adoptions: A Sobering Roadmap

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